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NUTRIGENOMIX NUTRITIONAL DNA TESTING - This tests for 77 gene profiles with a 30 page report of nutritional protocols for high risk nutritional deficits. You can learn if you are gluten, lactose and caffeine intolerant. This report is customized with Standard Process and MediHerb product suggestions. $300.00
MICROBIOME WHOLE GUT ANALYSIS - This gut analysis looks at the microbiome of the entire digestive tract through a simple stool lab test. Your microbiome can be affected from birth on. This isn't about the need for probiotics alone, but a customized in depth multi-page report of your good and bad bacteria that effect the immune system, digestion, elimination and so much more. Standard Process and MediHerb protocols are given to help rebalance your microbiome. $140.00
Natural Health Consultations $90
last up to 2 hours for first time consultation. This is based on what your primary concerns are. For this reason you may be asked to email Inner Beauty Holistic Health detailed information regarding medications currently on and any medically diagnosed conditions as these may have contraindications for certain herbs. Also, current supplements you use and current bloodwork will be looked at for nutritional purposes only. Follow up consultations $65 are usually done within 60 days.
1211 W. Acacia Avenue Ste. L
Hemet, Ca. 92543
Tel: 951-255-0994
Mail: pam@innerbeautyholistichealth.com